Psychosomatic Medicine: Why 'positive Outlook' Treatments Are Taking Off In...
Europe has a rabid distrust of science and medicine and a corresponding higher level of belief in in naturopathy, homeopathy and various other alternative techniques.Given that, it is little surprise...
View ArticleIn Your Own Words, Machine Learning Can Identify Suicidal Behavior
Using a person's spoken or written words, new computer tools can identify with great accuracy whether that person is suicidal, mentally ill but not suicidal, or neither. Machine learning is up to 93...
View ArticleINPI - a treasure trove of French inventions
INPI - a treasure trove of French inventionsDo you have French ancestors? Perhaps, somewhere in the archives, is a patent for something your ancestor invented.INPI - Institut National de la Propriété...
View ArticlePESD - If You Have Post Election Stress Disorder, Here Are 5 Things To Do
This election season, people have been blocking and un-friending those on “the other side”, families have been arguing, it's been a lot of stress. Tonight, one side may feel the stress associated with...
View ArticleThe Social Psychology of Successful Degradation Ceremonies
In the mid-twentieth century, a social psychologist by the name of Harold Garfinkle (1965) wrote an article titled “Conditions of Successful Degradation Ceremonies.” This became one of those articles –...
View ArticleOn the Distinct Possibility of Being Slightly Autistic 1/2
Psychology studies the individual, and sociology studies the group. Social psychology studies the relation between the individual and the group, and for me that’s where all the action is. I study...
View ArticleOn the Distinct Possibility of Being Slightly Autistic 2/2
Enter the concept of slight autism. We can define slight autism as a state of autistic perception that is noticeably but not diagnosably autistic. Here is how we can begin to explain it and understand...
View ArticleStorytelling Deconstructed: Vonnegut Was Right About Just Six Emotional Story...
Our most beloved works of fiction hide well-trodden narratives - people want them, people expects them by now - and big data analysis can determine them. And most fictions is based on far fewer...
View ArticleStarting Thanksgiving, 80 Percent Of You Will Regret Your Holiday Food Choices
Once again this year, consumers say they are weighing their options for making healthier choices. And 81 percent say they wish they had made healthier choices before - but 70 percent have no plans to...
View ArticleDemocrat Postmortem: They Had Merely Become What They Had Hated All Along 1/2
When a tree dies, or when we run across decaying wood in a forest, our first reaction is to think we should remove it. However, the ecology of the forest is such that saproxylic organisms, including...
View ArticleDemocrat Postmortem: They Had Merely Become What They Had Hated All Along 1/2
When a tree dies, or when we run across decaying wood in a forest, our first reaction is to think we should remove it. However, the ecology of the forest is such that saproxylic organisms, including...
View ArticleGet Out Of Your Bubble: Why You Should Talk About Politics This Thanksgiving
After one of the most divisive presidential elections in American history, many of us may be anxious about dinner-table dialogue with family and friends this Thanksgiving. There is no denying that the...
View ArticleDemocrat Postmortem: They Had Merely Become What They Had Hated All Along 2/2
If there was one theme that qualified the new politically correct definition of morality in higher education it was the idea that the new Affirmative Action professoriate wanted to do away with...
View ArticleLaterality: Finding Out About The Human Mind Through Stone
Laterality is the preference of human beings for one side of our bodies; being left-handed or right-handed, for example, or having a preference for using one eye or ear or the other. In the view of...
View ArticleNeanderthals: Not So Dumb
Neanderthals modified their survival strategies even without external influences like environmental or climate changes, according to an analysis using carbonate isotopy in fossilized teeth that 250,000...
View ArticleTrump’s Cuban Insight Trumps Fidel Kaepernick’s Caper 1/2
In America we have the right to protest, so when Kaepernick started his protest by refusing to honor the flag and the national anthem during NFL pre-game ceremonies a lot of people thought it was...
View ArticleRobert Boyle - Climate Science Pioneer
Robert Boyle - Climate Science PioneerApart from his experiments with the compression of gases, Robert Boyle deserves to be remembered for his proposals about 'unmingled bodies' (atoms), his promotion...
View ArticleJohn Mayow - Climate Science Pioneer
John Mayow - Climate Science Pioneer#2 in a series.Sir William Ramsay wrote an excellent history of the study of our atmosphere. Below is the part of his book concerning John Mayow. The previous part...
View ArticleTrump’s Cuban Insight Trumps Fidel Kaepernick’s Caper 2/2
In the first installment of this two-part post, I mentioned that from my perspective I had understood Kaepernick had a right to protest as an American, but all of that sentiment had changed through a...
View ArticleTime, Wittgenstein And Language Scaffolding
There’s a widespread belief that actually existing democracies are in the grip of a fast-paced world dominated by breaking news and all things instant. The following contribution sets out to question...
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